Study Resources
This 10 page Study Toolkit includes Term, Monthly, Weekly and Daily Planners as well as an Assessment Planner and more. Simply print the pages that are useful to you. If you have access to the necessary tools, feel free to laminate and re-use.
Click HERE to download your copy.
Terrigal High School Library
Terrigal High School library offers a friendly and supportive learning environment for the school community.
We encourage a love of reading amongst our staff and students and our collection is continually evolving to reflect the interests of our readers. The library is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am.
Our library is a comfortable, air-conditioned place for all learners to have the best possible environment for their learning. There are two areas with computers for class use, one of these areas is available to students during their break to work on assignments or schoolwork.
Students are encouraged to use the library facilities to undertake research for their assignments. There are a number of other places that students can also access a wealth of quality information at no cost. Please take a look at this PDF document for instructions on how to access the databases at Central Coast Council Libraries and the State Library of NSW.
Visit the Terrigal High School Library website for videos on how to improve your research, find quality information sources and lots more.
Below are some additional websites that can benefit students:
Bring Your Own Device
Students can access the Bring Your Own Device forms from the library where the technology staff can set up their laptop or tablet to access the wireless network at school.
Junior students can borrow up to four books and senior students can borrow up to six books from the school library. The loan period is two weeks and students are encouraged to borrow over the two-week school breaks.
Access to the library catalogue ‘Oliver’ is available to students via their Department Portal and students are encouraged to use this system to review any books that they have read.
Overdue notices will be sent via email or letter throughout the year. If there are any questions regarding these overdue items, please contact the Teacher Librarian, Lyndall Gale.
There is a printer in the library available for students to use. In order to access this service, students are required to bring $5 to cover the cost of printing. The cost is 10c for black and white printing or 0.50c for colour printing. Once a student runs out of credit they will need to top it up with another $5.
Premier's Reading Challenge
All students from Year 7 to Year 9 are encouraged to take part in the Premier’s Reading Challenge each year. A list of prescribed books is available through our library’s catalogue and more information can be obtained by visiting the Premier’s Reading Challenge website.
Teacher Librarian
Lyndall Gale