About the Support Unit
Terrigal High School’s Special Education faculty commenced in 2019 and from 2022 will consist of four Multi-Categorical (MC) classes for students with moderate to high learning and support needs - as defined by the Department's disability criteria. Our core values, as a faculty, are that every student is Known, Valued and Cared for and all our actions relate to three central themes: Rigour, Relevance and Relationships.
Specialist support classes in mainstream schools have fewer students than mainstream classes. Our classes have a maximum of between 7 – 10 students per class. Each class has a specialist core teacher with experience and qualifications in Special Education, as well as a full time School Learning and Support Officer. Every student within our classes follows a personalised learning and support plan designed around their own individual needs and goals. We also work closely with families and external providers such as psychologists, speech therapists and occupational therapists.
For students enrolled in specialist classes in mainstream schools, there is the flexibility for them to undertake some of their learning in other mainstream classes at the same school. This is largely dependent upon the resources available and the personalised learning and support needs of the students.
As students enter their final years of secondary school, increased emphasis is placed on the skills and experiences they will require for the workforce and full community participation.
Students in specialist support classes have the opportunity to participate in the school and community activities that their school offers. Our students are involved in activities across the school including the Student Representative Council, Junior Aboriginal Educational Consultative Group, drama productions and Nintendo Club. We are also supported by members of our local community, including the Terrigal Bowling Club, Terrigal and Erina Heights IGA and Clubs NSW.
Placements and Review
Applications for placement in our Special Education classes are made through a regional Access Request process rather than on the basis of a student’s home address. A student's eligibility is determined by a regional placement panel who assess applications against the Department's disability criteria as well as the availability of a place in an appropriate specialist support class.
Support Unit Guide Book for New Students
Support Unit Transition to High School Story Book