The Department of Education and Training (DET) clearly outlines footwear requirements in schools: ‘Substantial footwear appropriate to a practical activity should be worn. Footwear such as thongs, open weave type shoes, soft slip on shoes, shoes with openings at toes or heels, soft sole shoes, fabric shoes, shoes without a heel, platforms or high heel shoes should not be worn'.
This is DET policy, under Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
Terrigal High School uniform code requires all students to wear solid, black, fully enclosed, safe, leather shoes.
This has been liberally interpreted over the years to include many different styles of shoe. Parents need to be aware that there is an important Occupational Health and Safety aspect regarding the shoes your child wears at school. The school is not prepared to breach DET policy.
This applies to all students in Year 7 to Year 10, plus students in Year 11 and Year 12 studying Technology (Industrial, Textiles and Food), Hospitality, Entertainment, PE, Music and Science courses (including Agriculture).
If a student is required to enter workshops, kitchens, textiles rooms, science labs or the school farm they must have a substantial protective shoe that covers the top of his/her foot. Slip on type footwear does not meet these requirements.
All students participating in PE and School Sport are also required to wear a covered lace up sports shoe that is suitable for them to participate safely in their chosen activity. Please be aware that a student may not be allowed to participate in practical or sporting activities if the supervising teacher deems his/her footwear to be unsafe.
In this situation, the student will be expected to carry out appropriate alternative work, supervised by the teacher, or the Head Teacher, of the faculty concerned.
If a student repeatedly fails to complete mandatory practical activities, due to unsafe footwear (or any other reason), it can mean he/she does not meet all required outcomes in many courses. This can have serious ramifications for School Certificate and HSC students (note that Technology is mandatory in Year 7 and Year 8, Science is mandatory in Year 7 to Year 10 and School Sport is also part of the School Certificate program).
Any student not wearing appropriate footwear will not be allowed to enter any classrooms and workshops/labs and kitchens. Students wearing ‘flimsy' soft slip on shoes will be sent home or isolated from all classroom and playground activities. They are not acceptable in any circumstances, in any part of the school.
Please see an example of acceptable footwear below.